Basic Uncapped Packages – Shaped with Fair Usage Policy

Basic Uncapped (Fibre) – Xtranet Protocol Manager
Retail Uncapped services are managed according to the last 7 days usage projected to 30 days as well as the available capacity on the network at all times.  There are predefined thresholds set and when exceeded the account speed will be managed down to 50% of the account speed.  Should the demand on the network exceed available capacity these thresholds may be managed more aggressively by the Xtranet Protocol Manager and differ to the table below.

The thresholds per account speed are:
Speed                   Threshold
4Mbps                  80GB
10Mbps                120GB
20Mbps                200GB
40Mbps                400GB
100Mbps              800GB

Premium Uncapped Packages – No Shaping or Fair Usage Policy

Coverage – Fibre Enabled Addresses